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27 November 2023

13 Min. Read

Integration Testing

What Is Integration Testing? Types, Tools & Examples

What Is Integration Testing? Types, Tools & Examples

Key Highlights

In this blog, we cover following key highlights

  1. Delve into integration testing's role in validating communication between software modules.

  2. Understand the strategic use of Big Bang and Incremental approaches for optimal results.

  3. Recognize how integration testing enhances collaboration among diverse system components.

  4. Explore HyperTest’s unique integration testing approach, eliminating manual mocking for streamlined testing.

This guide is your optimal solution for mitigating any such obstacle and building a robust test suite for your microservices.

Imagine a jigsaw puzzle. Each puzzle piece represents a module of the software. Integration testing is like putting these pieces together to see if they fit correctly and form the intended picture. Just like how a misaligned puzzle piece can disrupt the overall image, a single module not properly integrated can cause problems in the software.

Mike cohns test pyramid

What is Integration Testing?

The testing pyramid comprises three tiers: the base, representing unit testing; the middle layer, which involves integration testing; and the top layer, dedicated to end-to-end testing.

In the integration layer, interface testing occurs, examining the interactions between various components or services within an application.

After individual system units or functions undergo independent testing, integration testing aims to assess their collective performance as a unified system and pinpoint any defects that may arise.

Integration testing is a method in software testing that concentrates on validating the interactions and data interchange among distinct components or modules within a software application. Its objective is to detect issues or defects that may surface when various components are integrated and interact with one another.

This testing phase is commonly conducted post-unit testing and before system testing. By pinpointing and addressing integration issues early in the development process, integration testing mitigates the likelihood of encountering more serious and expensive problems in later stages.

What is the need of Integration Testing?

Integration testing is an essential phase in the software development process, designed to ensure that individual software modules work together as a unit.

1. Early Detection of Interface Issues: Integration testing focuses on the points where modules interact. It helps identify problems in the way these modules communicate and share data.

For example, if two modules that perform different functions need to exchange data, integration testing can reveal if there are mismatches in data formats or protocols, which might not be apparent in unit testing.

Integration testing can reduce interface errors by up to 50% compared to projects that skip this phase.

2. Facilitates Systematic Verification: This testing approach allows for a systematic examination of the system’s functionality and performance. It ensures that the complete system meets the specified requirements.

3. Reduces Risk of Regression: When new modules are integrated with existing ones, there's a risk that changes could break previously working functionality. Integration testing helps catch such regression errors early.

For instance, an update in an e-commerce application’s payment module should not disrupt the product selection process.

Regular integration testing can decrease regression errors by approximately 30%.

4. Improves Code Reliability and Quality: By testing the interactions between modules, developers can identify and fix bugs that might not be evident during unit testing. This leads to higher code quality and reliability.

For example, in a healthcare app, the module handling patient data might work well independently, but issues may arise when it interacts with the appointment scheduling module.

5. Saves Time and Cost in the Long Run: Although integration testing requires time and resources upfront, it ultimately saves time and cost by catching and fixing issues early in the development cycle. It's generally more expensive to fix bugs in later stages of development or post-deployment.

Integration testing can improve overall code quality by up to 35%.

6. Ensures a Better User Experience: By ensuring all parts of the application work well together, integration testing contributes to a smoother, more reliable user experience.

7. Facilitates Scalability and Maintenance: Well-integrated systems are easier to scale and maintain. As the system grows, new modules can be added or existing ones updated with confidence, knowing the integration points are well-tested.

For example, adding a new feature to a social media app, like a video calling function, requires ensuring it integrates seamlessly with the existing chat and notification modules.

What are the benefits of Integration testing?

Let’s understand the benefits of integration testing using an e-commerce scenario:

Scenario: Integrating a New Payment Gateway

Suppose your e-commerce platform is integrating a new payment gateway to offer more payment options to customers. This process involves various components like the shopping cart, user account management, and the existing payment infrastructure.

Benefits of Integration Testing in this Scenario:

1.Seamless Interaction Between Components:

  • Testing Focus: Ensuring the new payment gateway properly interacts with the shopping cart and user account systems.

  • Benefit: Detects issues where the shopping cart might not correctly pass the total amount to the payment gateway, or where user details are not accurately transferred for transaction processing.

2. Ensures Consistent Data Handling:

  • Testing Focus: Checking if the customer's order details, payment status, and personal information are consistently handled across all systems.

  • Benefit: Prevents data inconsistencies, which are crucial in e-commerce transactions. For example, ensuring that the payment status reflected in the user account is updated in real-time after a transaction.

3. Verifies Third-Party Integration:

  • Testing Focus: Validating the interaction between the e-commerce platform and external systems like the new payment gateway.

  • Benefit: Early identification of any compatibility issues with third-party services, which is essential for maintaining a broad range of customer payment options.

4. Checks End-to-End Transaction Flows:

  • Testing Focus: Assessing the complete process from adding items to the cart to successfully completing a transaction.

  • Benefit: Ensures the entire transaction process is smooth and error-free, directly impacting customer satisfaction and trust.

5. Validates Error Handling and Rollbacks:

  • Testing Focus: How the system handles transaction failures or errors, such as payment rejections.

  • Benefit: Ensures that in case of a transaction failure, the system correctly reverts any changes, such as restocking products in the inventory and notifying the user.

6. Performance Under Load:

  • Testing Focus: Examining how the integrated components perform under heavy load, simulating high traffic scenarios.

  • Benefit: Identifies performance bottlenecks and scalability issues, which are critical for e-commerce sites, especially during peak shopping seasons.

7. User Experience Consistency:

  • Testing Focus: Checking if the integration of the new payment gateway affects the user experience on different devices and platforms.

  • Benefit: Ensures that the addition of new features does not negatively impact the overall user experience.

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Types of Integration testing

Revealing defects takes center stage in integration testing, emphasizing the interaction time between integrated units. As for integration test methods, there exist four types, which are as follows:

  1. Big Bang Integration Testing:

In this approach, all or most of the developed modules are integrated simultaneously, and then tested as a whole. This method is straightforward but can be challenging if there are many modules, as identifying the exact source of a defect can be difficult.

Example: Imagine a simple application comprising three modules: User Interface (UI), Database (DB), and Processing Logic (PL). In Big Bang Integration Testing, all these modules are integrated at once and tested together.

1.1. Advantages of Big Bang Integration Testing:

  • Straightforward Approach: Integrates all modules at once, making the process easy to understand and implement in smaller projects.

  • Holistic Testing Environment: Provides a complete picture of the system's functionality when all modules are combined.

1.2. Disadvantages of Big Bang Integration Testing:

  • Challenging Defect Localization: With all modules tested simultaneously, pinpointing the exact source of an issue can be difficult.

  • Risk of Late Discovery: Defects may only become apparent late in the development cycle, leading to potential delays and increased costs.

  • Limited Scalability: Not well-suited for large-scale projects with numerous modules due to its complexity.

2. Incremental Integration Testing:

This method involves integrating modules one by one and testing each integration step. It helps in isolating defects related to interfacing.

2.1. Advantages of Incremental Integration Testing:

  • Focused Defect Identification: Easier to locate and fix defects since modules are integrated and tested one at a time.

  • Early Problem Detection: Facilitates the early discovery of issues, allowing for more efficient resolution.

  • Flexibility in Integration: Can be adapted to different project requirements and structures.

2.2. Disadvantages of Incremental Integration Testing:

  • Incremental Complexity: Requires careful planning and execution to ensure proper integration sequence.

  • Potential Integration Overhead: The process can be time-consuming, especially in cases where numerous modules must be integrated sequentially.

Incremental Integration Testing can be further divided into:

  • Top-Down Integration Testing: Starts from the top-level modules and progresses downwards, integrating and testing one module at a time. Stubs (dummy modules) are often used to simulate lower-level modules not yet integrated.

    Example: In a layered application, the top layer (e.g., User Interface) is tested first with stubs replacing the lower layers. Gradually, real modules replace the stubs.

  • Bottom-Up Integration Testing: Begins with the integration of the lowest-level modules and moves upwards. Here, drivers (temporary modules) are used to simulate higher-level modules not yet integrated.

    Example: In the same layered application, integration might start with the database layer, using drivers to simulate the upper layers.

Types of Integration testing

3. Sandwich (Hybrid) Integration Testing:

Combines both top-down and bottom-up approaches. It is useful in large projects where different teams work on various segments of the application.

Example: While one team works on the top layers using a top-down approach, another could work on the lower layers using a bottom-up approach. Eventually, the two are merged.

3.1. Advantages of Sandwich (Hybrid) Integration Testing:

  • Versatility: Combines the strengths of both top-down and bottom-up approaches, making it suitable for various project sizes.

  • Parallel Development: Allows different teams to work simultaneously on different parts of the project.

3.2. Disadvantages of Sandwich (Hybrid) Integration Testing:

  • Coordination Challenges: Requires significant coordination between teams working on different parts of the project.

  • Complex Management: The dual approach can lead to complexity in managing the integration process.

4. Functional Incremental Integration Testing:

In this method, the integration is based on the functionality or functionality groups, rather than the structure of the software.

Example: If a software has functionalities A, B, and C, functional incremental integration might first integrate and test A with B, then add C.

4.1. Advantages of Functional Incremental Integration Testing:

  • Functionality Focused: Prioritizes the integration of modules based on functionality, which can be more intuitive for certain projects.

  • Flexible Testing Scope: Allows for testing of specific functional areas, making it efficient for identifying function-related defects.

4.2. Disadvantages of Functional Incremental Integration Testing:

  • May Overlook Structural Issues: While focusing on functionality, it might miss structural or integration defects between non-functional components.

  • Requires Clear Functional Separation: Effective implementation demands well-defined functional boundaries within the software.

Key steps in Integration testing

Here's a concise step-by-step approach to perform integration testing:

  • Define Integration Test Plan: Outline the modules to be tested, goals, and integration sequence.

  • Prepare Testing Environment: Set up the necessary hardware and software for testing.

  • Develop Test Cases: Create test scenarios focusing on module interactions, covering functional, performance, and error-handling aspects.

  • Execute Test Cases: Run the tests either manually or using automated tools.

  • Record and Analyze Results: Document outcomes, identify bugs or discrepancies.

  • Regression Testing: After fixing bugs, retest to ensure no new issues have arisen.

  • Performance Testing: Verify the system meets performance criteria like load and stress handling.

  • Review and Documentation: Review the process and document findings and best practices.

Here’s an example of performing integration testing for an ecommerce app:

Example: Testing Shopping Cart and Payment Gateway Integration

Test Case:

  • Add items to the shopping cart, proceed to checkout, and complete a transaction using the Payment Gateway.


  • Add items to the cart and verify if the items and their quantities are correctly updated.

  • Check if prices and totals are accurately calculated.

  • Proceed to checkout and authenticate user.

  • Complete payment and verify if the transaction succeeds without errors.

  • Check if the order is correctly registered in the Order Processing system.

Regression Testing:

  • Ensure that this process hasn’t affected the functionality of individual modules like Product Catalog or User Account Management.

Challenges in Integration testing

Although Integration testing is a critical phase in the software development lifecycle, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges or hurdles:

1. Complex Interdependencies

Software modules often have complex interdependencies, making it challenging to predict how changes in one module will affect others. This complexity can lead to unexpected behaviors during testing, making it difficult to isolate and fix issues.

2. Environment Differences

Integration tests may pass in a development environment but fail in a production-like environment due to differences in configurations, databases, or network settings. These inconsistencies can lead to a false sense of security regarding the system's stability and functionality.

3. Test Data Management

Managing test data for integration testing can be challenging, especially when dealing with large datasets or needing to simulate specific conditions. Inadequate test data can lead to incomplete testing, overlooking potential issues that might occur in real-world scenarios.

This is a solved problem in HyperTest, refer to this page to get a better understanding.

4. Interface Compatibility

Ensuring compatibility between different modules, especially when they are developed by separate teams or include third-party services. Incompatibility issues can lead to system failures or reduced functionality.

5. Time and Resource Constraints

Integration testing can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, particularly for large and complex systems. This can lead to a trade-off between thorough testing and meeting project deadlines, potentially impacting software quality.

6. Automating Integration Tests

Automating integration tests is challenging due to the complexity of interactions between different software components. Limited automation can result in increased manual effort, longer testing cycles, and the potential for human error.

7. Regression Issues

New code integrations can unintentionally affect existing functionalities, leading to regression issues. Identifying and fixing these issues can be time-consuming, impacting the overall project timeline.

Best Practices for performing Integration testing

  1. Initiate integration testing early in the development cycle and conduct it regularly to catch issues promptly.

  2. Integrate and test in small, manageable segments to isolate and resolve issues more effectively.

  3. Align test environments closely with production settings to avoid discrepancies and unforeseen issues.

  4. Employ automation for routine and high-volume tests to increase efficiency and accuracy.

  5. Focus on testing critical paths or main functionalities first to ensure core system stability.

  6. Maintain clear communication between teams, especially when integrating modules developed separately.

  7. Use mocks and stubs to simulate components or services not yet developed, facilitating early testing.

  8. Utilize continuous integration tools to automatically integrate and test changes, enhancing consistency and speed.

  9. Invest in robust test data management to ensure diverse and realistic testing scenarios.

  10. Keep thorough documentation of tests and results for traceability and future reference.

How unit testing, integration testing and end-to-end testing are different from each other?

Unit Testing, Integration Testing, and End-to-End Testing are three distinct levels of software testing, each serving a specific purpose in the software development lifecycle.


Unit Testing

Integration Testing

End-to-End Testing


Testing individual units or components of the software in isolation.

Testing how multiple units or components work together.

Testing the entire application in a setup that simulates real-world use.


Very narrow; focuses on a single function, method, or class.

Broader than unit testing; focuses on the interaction between units or modules.

Broadest; covers the entire application and its interaction with external systems and interfaces.


To ensure that each unit of the software performs as designed.

To test the interface between units and detect interface errors.

To verify the complete system and workflow of the application.

Level of Testing

Lowest level of testing.

Middle level, comes after unit testing.

Highest level, often the final phase before the product release.

Testing Conducted By

Usually by developers.

Usually by testers, sometimes developers.

Testers, sometimes with the involvement of end-users.

Tools Used

JUnit, NUnit, Mockito, etc.

JUnit, Postman, HyperTest (for API testing), etc.

Selenium, Cypress, Protractor, etc.

Execution Speed

Fastest among the three types.

Slower than unit testing but faster than end-to-end testing.

Slowest due to its comprehensive nature.


Very fine-grained.

Coarser than unit testing but finer than end-to-end testing.



Testing a single method in a class.

Testing the interaction between a database and a data processing module.

Testing the entire application from start to finish, including user interactions, data processing, and output generation.

Focus Area

Functionality of specific components.

Interfaces and interactions between components.

Overall functionality and user experience of the application.

Dependency Handling

Often uses mocks and stubs to isolate the unit being tested.

Tests real modules but may use stubs for external services.

Uses real data and integrates with external interfaces and services.

Error Localization

Easy to identify the specific unit causing failure.

Moderately easy to locate the interface or interaction causing issues.

Difficult to pinpoint the exact component or interaction causing failure.

Now let’s take a look at each of the type with examples:

Unit Testing focuses on individual components in isolation.
Integration Testing concentrates on the interaction and integration between different components.
End-to-End Testing validates the complete flow of an application, from start to finish, mimicking real-world user scenarios.

Unit Testing


  • Imagine a function addNumbers(a, b) which returns the sum of two numbers.

Unit Test:

  • Write a test to check if addNumbers correctly adds two numbers.

  • Use a unit testing framework like JUnit for Java or Mocha for JavaScript.

// Using Mocha & Chai for JavaScript
const expect = require('chai').expect;
const { addNumbers } = require('./calculator');

describe('addNumbers', function() {
    it('should add two numbers correctly', function() {
        expect(addNumbers(2, 3)).to.equal(5);

    it('should handle negative numbers', function() {
        expect(addNumbers(-2, 3)).to.equal(1);

Integration Testing


  • Consider an e-commerce application where a Cart module interacts with a PaymentGateway module.

Integration Test:

  • Write a test to verify that adding items to the cart and proceeding to payment updates the payment details correctly.

  • This test would involve the interaction between the Cart and PaymentGateway modules.

# Python pseudo-code using pytest

def test_cart_to_payment_integration():
    # Setup
    cart = Cart()
    cart.add_item('item1', 1)
    payment_gateway = PaymentGateway()

    # Action
    payment_details = payment_gateway.get_last_transaction()

    # Verify
    assert payment_details['item_count'] == 1
    assert payment_details['status'] == 'pending'

End-to-End Testing


  • Imagine an online bookstore where a user searches for a book, adds it to the cart, and completes the purchase.

End-to-End Test:

  • Write a test to simulate a user's journey from searching for a book to completing the purchase.

  • Use an E2E testing tool like Selenium for web applications.

from selenium import webdriver

def test_book_purchase_flow():
    driver = webdriver.Chrome()

    # Search for a book
    search_box = driver.find_element_by_id("searchBox")
    search_box.send_keys("The Great Gatsby")

    # Add to cart and checkout

    # Assert successful purchase
    success_message = driver.find_element_by_id("purchaseSuccess").text
    assert "Thank you for your purchase!" in success_message


Difference Between Manual Integration testing and Automated Integration testing

Integration testing can be conducted manually or automated, each with its unique approach and implications. Let's explore the differences between manual and automated integration testing.

Manual Integration Testing

Definition and Process

  • Manual integration testing involves the physical and intellectual effort of a tester.

  • Testers execute test cases without the aid of automation tools, combining different software modules and checking for interface defects.

  • It requires a deep understanding of the software's internal workings.


  • Consider a web application with three modules: User Authentication, Product Catalog, and Order Management. In manual testing, a tester would manually log in (User Authentication), browse products (Product Catalog), and place an order (Order Management) to ensure smooth interaction.


  • Flexibility: Testers can adapt and change test cases on the fly.

  • No need for programming skills: Testers without a background in coding can perform tests.

  • Better for complex user interfaces: Manual testing can be more effective in identifying UI/UX issues.


  • Time-consuming: It takes a considerable amount of time to perform tests manually.

  • Prone to human error: Manual testing can be less reliable due to human errors.

  • Difficult to replicate: Repeating the exact same test scenario is challenging.

Automated Integration Testing

Definition and Process

  • Automated testing uses specialized tools like HyperTest, Selenium to execute pre-written test scripts.

  • It's more efficient in handling repetitive tasks and can run tests in bulk.

  • Typically requires initial setup and programming skills.


  • Using a tool like Selenium, you could write a script to automatically log in, browse products, and place an order in the aforementioned web application.

from selenium import webdriver

driver = webdriver.Chrome()
# additional code to navigate and test other modules


  • Speed: Tests can be run quickly and frequently.

  • Accuracy: Reduces the risk of human error.

  • Reusability: Test scripts can be reused across different versions of the software.


  • Initial cost and setup: Requires time and resources to set up the testing environment.

  • Maintenance of test scripts: Scripts need to be updated with changes in the application.

  • Limited flexibility: Struggles with handling complex UI changes or new, unforeseen scenarios.

Automated Integration testing with HyperTest

HyperTest, a no-code automation tool, specializes in integration testing to maintain a consistently bug-free system. With automated tools boasting lower error rates, HyperTest can cut production bugs by up to 60%, offering a robust solution.

It caters to QA teams and developers, streamlining test case planning without the need for extra tools and even your testers. It monitors the network traffic 24/7 and auto-generates tests to keep your application sane and working.

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Discover how HyperTest tackle these challenges here.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is integration testing in QA?

Integration testing in QA ensures that different parts of a software application work seamlessly when combined. It focuses on detecting and resolving issues that arise from the interactions between modules or subsystems. Approaches include top-down, bottom-up, big bang, and incremental testing. Early identification of integration issues reduces the risk of defects, enhancing the overall reliability of the software. Automated testing tools are often employed for efficient and consistent validation.

2. What is integration vs API test?

Integration testing examines the collaboration of different modules within a system, ensuring they work harmoniously. API testing, on the other hand, specifically evaluates the communication and data exchange between different software systems. While integration testing focuses on the overall functionality, API testing hones in on the seamless interaction of application programming interfaces. Picture integration testing as checking if all instruments play together in an orchestra, while API testing is like examining how musicians exchange sheet music.

3. What are the types of integration testing?

Integration testing includes top-down, bottom-up, big bang, and incremental approaches. Each assesses how components collaborate within a system. For example, incremental testing integrates and tests individual components in small increments to identify issues systematically.
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